Single-Cell RNA-Seq Service


Single-Cell RNA-Seq Platform

The tumor microenvironment is composed of many types of cells such as malignant, stromal, and immune cells. These different cells continuously interact to communicate. Moreover, the communication between these different cell types is closely related to tumor occurrence, tumor progression, immune infiltration, and inflammation, and therapy resistance.

Because these interactions are extremely important for the treatment and prognosis of patients, therapeutic drugs that target cell-cell interactions have become powerful tools in clinical practice. For example, the immune checkpoint inhibitor ipilimumab targets the CD28 or CTLA4 interactions. Although these drugs have achieved obvious success in disease treatment, their response rates have been limited. This limited response rate may be due to the complex network of interactions between cells in the tumor microenvironment, and our knowledge of this is still incomplete. Therefore, in order to provide better-targeted therapy to patients, it is currently necessary to have a more comprehensive understanding of cell-cell interactions that occur in the tumor microenvironment and how these interactions affect the prognosis.

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approaches are increasingly used to characterize the abundance and functional status of tumor-associated cell types, and provide unprecedented details on the heterogeneity of the cellular composition. And through expansion, this method can be used for intercellular communication mediated by ligand-receptor interactions across all cell types in the microenvironment.

abstract diagram of using scRNA-seq to characterize the interaction between cellsFigure 1. abstract diagram of using scRNA-seq to characterize the interaction between cells (Kumar, M.P.; et al.2018)


Based on the scRNA-seq method, Creative Proteomics has developed a more powerful calculation method for analyzing scRNA-seq data to comprehensively analyze and characterize the interaction between all cell types in the tumor microenvironment. The scRNA-seq platform is jointly developed and maintained by our professional bioinformatics experts and biological experts. The powerful equipment and software ensure the high quality and efficiency of our services, and provide customers with more insights into the interaction between cells To improve and develop new therapies. We provide customers with one-stop project services, including but not limited to the following:

  • scRNA-seq
  • Classification of cell types based on scRNA-Seq data
  • Scoring cell-cell interactions using known ligand-receptor interactions
  • Associating cell-cell interaction scores with phenotypes of interest
  • Quantifying interactions

Customers can choose different technology platforms according to project requirements, or contact us directly for consultation, and our expert team will provide you with customized experimental procedures.


  • Cell-cell interaction research
  • Construction of tissue/cell atlas
  • Research on the pathogenic mechanism of disease
  • Tumor microenvironment research
  • Immunology research
  • Tumor heterogeneity research
  • Plant single-cell research

Creative Proteomics is an international biotechnology company dedicated to research in molecular interactions and other related fields. Our scRNA-Seq platform combines powerful analysis tools with high sensitivity and high efficiency, and the data obtained can be directly used for article publication. Our one-stop service aims to save customers time and money.


  1. Lyssiotis, C.A.; Kimmelman, A.C. Metabolic interactions in the tumor microenvironment. Trends in Cell Biology. 2017, 21(11): 863-875.
  2. Kumar, M.P.; et al. Analysis of single-cell RNA-Seq identifies cell-cell communication associated with tumor characteristics. Cell Reports. 2018, 25(6): 1458-1468.
* This service is for RESEARCH USE ONLY, not intended for any clinical use.